You are a craftsman and you want to collaborate with Doude?

Creator of decorative objects, candle maker, artisan designer,... Do you have golden hands and want to collaborate? Write to us to let us know about your project!

contact us

Why sell on our platform?

Increase your visibility

Start here. Introduce your vision, or explain why what you do or sell is superior to your competitors.

Find yourself in a quality catalog

Get into your process a bit. The quality of handiwork, proprietary knowledge, or materials that you use that make your products better.

Increase your sales

End it with an action item that the user can take advantage of. Link to a more in-depth page, or go straight to a collection. Your call.

We were able to have better visibility on our products thanks to Doude Design.

peluche chambre enfant
peluche chambre enfant

Submit your design objects to us

Contact us and let's discuss your products to better highlight them.

contact us